Monday, May 29, 2006

Hotel in Alor Setar, Kedah, Malaysia

Dengan tak semena-mena susah pulak nak dapat hotel kat alor setar waktu ni.. bila gua check balik emmpphh patutla cuti sekolah.. check skali lagi emmpphh ada sukma pulak...aiyoo.. meriah la rupanya kota star waktu ni ek.. memang last minit mcm gua ni nak book hotel mmg tak dapat la.. survey dlm internet pon tak byk choice.. 2 3 aje yg ada? eh takkan byk tu je hotel kat sana?emm selepas puas cari dpt la list yg byk sket.. biasala la kedah lebih famous dgn langkawi nya so kota star ni agak kurang pelancong yg dtg.. nak cari info pasal langkawi mmg byk tapi alor setar tak berapa nak complete.. ni list yg gua dapat.. sesiapa yang nak stay kat sana boleh la survey2 hotel2 ni..

Holiday Villa Lot 162/163, Jalan Tunku Ibrahim 05000 Alor StarKedah.Tel : 04-7349999

Hotel Grand Continental No. 134-141, Jalan Sultan Badlishah 05000 Alor StarKedah.Tel : 04-7335917

Hotel Sentosa Regency 250, Jalan Putra 05100 Alor StarKedah.Tel : 04-7303999

Hotel Seri Malaysia 005127, Mukim Alor Malai daerah Kota StarJalan Stadium05100 Alor StarKedah.Tel : 04-7308737

Hotel Grand Crystal 40, Jalan Kampung Perak05100 Alor StarKedah.Tel : 04-7313333

Hotel Samila 27, Lebuhraya Darul Aman05000 Alor StarKedah.Tel : 04-7318888

Hotel Regent 1536-G, Jalan Sultan Badlishah 05000 Alor StarKedah.Tel : 04-7311900

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Alor Setar, Kedah Darul Aman

Alor Setar, city of Kedah situated in the north peninsular of Malaysia, my mum's hometown, i also born there but was rise in Kuala Lumpur since small. For me Alor Setar is a great city, small, uncrowded and peacefull. Its green paddey field always make me feel calm. I will be in Alor Setar this coming June for my cousin's wed, its been a long time since my last visit to Alor Setar, and i hope this trip will be the best ever trip i ever had there and hope to capture good photos of the city and people!. Posted by Picasa

Monday, May 22, 2006

Visit Malaysia 2007

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Next year would be the best year to visit Malaysia, why?? because Malaysia will celebrating 50years of independance! The month of August will be filled with a myriad of parades, cultural performances, street shows and carnivals to commemorate the country's Independence or Merdeka Day on 31 August.

Come and see the beauty of Malaysia, peacefull country rich with culture and heritage. You can choose wether u want to go for relaxing, for adventure or for shopping! There are many interesting place in Malaysia such as Mulu National Park, Mount Kinabalu, Redang island, Tioman island, Penang, Langkawi and Kuala Lumpur it-self! So come and enjoy yourself!

Monday, May 08, 2006

Pencak Silat - Malay Martial Art and Self-Defense

Origin in Southeast asia with roots in the culture of the Malay World. Widely known in Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Southern Thai and Philipines. There are many styles or aliran of silat can be found such as Silat Cekak, Silat Gayong, Silat Lincah and etc.

There are four main aspects to pencak silat:
The "Mental-Spiritual" aspect
The "Bela Diri" (self-defence) aspect
The "Seni Budaya" (culture, art) aspect
The "Olahraga" (sport) aspect

Picture above taken during a Malay Wedding Ceremony (perform as culture and art)

p/s: actually the performer will use a complete malay warrior attire, not like the picture above :)

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Tari Piring Traditional Minangkabau Dance

The traditional dance shown in the picture originated from Minangkabau. It is still popular in Malaysia where we can see the dance is practiced during wedding ceremonies especially in Negeri Sembilan. How the dance is being played? It can be one-woman show (normally played by girls) or in a group. Using both hands, holding two small plates and at the end of each middle-finger lays rings to be used for tapping the plates. The tapping is done in-sync with the melody of music which is being played. If the dance is being played at night, candles will be placed on the plates. The rule is that the candle light cannot be put out before the dance ends. This will test the skill and agility of the dancers as the plates will be turned almost 360 degrees and back while maintaining it from dropping to the floor. The dance moves are shown the way girls are applying make-up, combing hair and using talcum powder, sewing and stitching.