Thursday, May 04, 2006

Tari Piring Traditional Minangkabau Dance

The traditional dance shown in the picture originated from Minangkabau. It is still popular in Malaysia where we can see the dance is practiced during wedding ceremonies especially in Negeri Sembilan. How the dance is being played? It can be one-woman show (normally played by girls) or in a group. Using both hands, holding two small plates and at the end of each middle-finger lays rings to be used for tapping the plates. The tapping is done in-sync with the melody of music which is being played. If the dance is being played at night, candles will be placed on the plates. The rule is that the candle light cannot be put out before the dance ends. This will test the skill and agility of the dancers as the plates will be turned almost 360 degrees and back while maintaining it from dropping to the floor. The dance moves are shown the way girls are applying make-up, combing hair and using talcum powder, sewing and stitching.


sare @ syah said...

gua tak pernah tengok lagi tarian nih...kalau kuda kepang ada la

Unknown said...


sini kau berumah eh?

tarian ni cam ala tarian lilin gaks. ko amek gambo ni kat mane stingz?

kamarozz a.b. said...

aa..lebih kurang tarian lilin btolla tu...tu kat kenduri kahwin member aku..

sare @ syah said...

sting...gambar2 lu taknak hantar ke suratkhabar ke? untung2 dapat la RM50...hehe...