Monday, May 08, 2006

Pencak Silat - Malay Martial Art and Self-Defense

Origin in Southeast asia with roots in the culture of the Malay World. Widely known in Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Southern Thai and Philipines. There are many styles or aliran of silat can be found such as Silat Cekak, Silat Gayong, Silat Lincah and etc.

There are four main aspects to pencak silat:
The "Mental-Spiritual" aspect
The "Bela Diri" (self-defence) aspect
The "Seni Budaya" (culture, art) aspect
The "Olahraga" (sport) aspect

Picture above taken during a Malay Wedding Ceremony (perform as culture and art)

p/s: actually the performer will use a complete malay warrior attire, not like the picture above :)

1 comment:

sare @ syah said...

silat pulut...tradisi yang makin pupusss...